A pinhole camera is a light tight box with a pinhole instead of a lens. The light through the pinhole creates an inverted image at the back of the box which can be captured on photographic film or paper. My first pinhole was made from a Milo tin in a workshop with David Tatnall. I now use various sizes of Zeroimage cameras such as 6 x 9 cms; 5”x 4” and soon a 10” x 8”. Images made with pinhole cameras seem to flow out from their centre and I like that perspective.
Vandyke bronze urn
Vandyke above Trentham Falls
Vandyke - Ellie's garden gates
The Groyne - Port Fairy
Steppie Beach
Steppie Beach at sunset - Aireys Beach
Pharos Gully - Mt Arapilies
Old stump
Old pipes on kiln - Kurth kiln
Museum of Modern Art II
Museum of Modern Art - San Francisco
Henderson Falls - Otways
Gantry - Williamstown
Gangway - Williamstown
Fish Falls - Otways
East Ivanhoe - Yarra
Boiler - Heatherlie Quarry, Grampians
Below Feinter Falls - Mt Bogong